Creative Workshop 6
Creative Workshop 6
Date: 21st April
Workshop Aims:
- Set an improvisation task for dancers on Rumination (which is a type of OCD that involves the prolonged thinking of a theme or idea that is unproductive).
- Set a creative task for dancers to pick elements from improvisation to create a phrase.
Planning and Research:
By looking at the websites listed below I have developed my
understanding on Rumination. This allowed me to conduct a workshop confidently.
The Gateway
Institute [online]: 2021. Rumination OCD - Symptoms and
Treatment | The Gateway Institute. Available at: Rumination
OCD - Symptoms and Treatment | The Gateway Institute (< Accessed 20 April 2021].
OCDUK [Online]: 2021. Types of OCD. Available at: <,ordering%204%20Ruminations%20%2F%20Intrusive%20Thoughts%205%20Hoarding
> [Accessed: 22 April. 2021]
Evidence and Reflection:
Within this workshop I explained what rumination is and discussed
examples of rumination. For example, rumination is the dwelling on a religious,
philosophical or metaphorical topic (OCDUK, 2021).
More examples:
The origins of the universe
Life after death
‘A religious person may experience unwanted intrusive
thoughts that cause them to believe their actions and thoughts will offend
their God’ (OCDUK, 2021).
Improvisation and Creative Task
Each dancer focused their improvisation on a different type of rumination.
Shay – The origins of the universe
Nicole – Heaven or Hell
Anya – The dwelling of unkind scenarios of what people say behind your
I asked all dancers to record themselves on their phones whilst improving
in order to select movement that they think would fit well with their chosen
They then shared their phrases (see video one for rumination phrases).
Video One – Rumination Base Phrase (Shay’s phrase and Anya’s phrase)
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