Creative Workshop 5

Creative Workshop 5

Date: 25 March 2021

Workshop Part One

Workshop aims

Create a phrase based on the feeling of exhaustion and being drained from the temporary relief experienced when living with OCD after completing an act of compulsion.

Focus on utilizing the full body within this phrase. Combine moments of brushing body parts and moments of holding head to relate to the Seed Base Phrase.

Teach phrase to dancers.

Research and Planning

From both interviews I carried out with participant one and two, it was explained that  the relief only lasts for a short amount of time once a compulsion has been acted upon.

Language pulled out from participant two:

‘I feel I have a relief for a short period of time’. (Participant 2, 2021)

From this quote I plan to create a release based, soft phrase to emphasise a sense of exhaustion. Within this phrase I would like to involve repetition and different facings to relate to the constant urge to do something. I would like to also add elements of brushing and touching of the head to link to the Mental Contamination Base Phrase and the Seed Base Phrase.

Evidence and Reflection

The workshop began with a twenty - minute warm up combining release exercises to prepare our bodies for the exhaustion phrase that I was teaching. I then taught the exhaustion phrase ensuring I explained the concept behind the phrase.

Video One – Exhaustion Phrase 

Workshop Part Two

Workshop Aims:

Set creative task for one of the dancers on pulled out language from zoom interview with participant one.

Research and Planning

After teaching the exhaustion phrase, I would like to set a creative task for one of my dancers that relates to the number four because within a zoom interview, participant one explained that her rituals are carried out in fours and sixteens. For example, switching a light four times.

‘I work in fours and sixteens there like my two numbers.’ (Participant 1, 2021)

Creative task

Assign a task to one of my dancers whilst the other dancers recap previous phrases. This task will be to demonstrate accents, movements and change of directions on the 4th count. For example, three steps then turn.

Evidence and Reflection

Dancer, Anya Robinson, was selected to work on this creative task. The phrase was very detailed and interesting because she added her own ideas whilst using movement from the other phrases. This phrase will probably not be developed as I really liked how it was.

Video One – Anya’s 4s Solo
