Overall, my structuring process was very successful. My transitions between phrases were always given a purpose, for example, people entering stage by relating to the phrase already on stage. If the transitions were walking, the dancers were either washing hands or touching body parts with one hand followed by the other hand. I was always open to experimenting with the structure and putting phrases together in a trail and error process. I am feeling pleased and confident with the structuring of my piece as I pushed my experimentation and creativity as a choreographer. My dancers were also confident with the structure and also explained that they thought it flowed between each section. One bad experience in relation to this process, was that I began structuring too early therefore this impacted my creative sessions. However, I then postponed my structuring process to focus on creating. From this situation, it was evident that I could have developed and pushed a phrase further before transitioning into another section. If this situation rose again, I would have experimented fully with a section before going into another section.
The beginning and end of my piece
My piece began with a five minute dance film projected on the white back drop. On stage, dancers Anya Robinson and Leah Wells stand in position ready to begin the seven minute live performance. I made the decision to start and end my live performance with Leah washing hands downstage left. However at the beginning Anya stands upstage centre under dimmer lighting ready to perform duet.
Furthermore, the reason for Leah starting and ending the piece was because she played the character within the dance film.
Key Selection of Structuring Sessions
Within video one, I present my most detailed, structured section as it involves the relationships between three dancers performing three separate duets. The transitions from each duet flow very well. I find the details of stopping movement to walk and switch off an imaginary light in between phrases quite interesting to watch.
Video One
Video two displays a transitioning structure into the hand base phrase. I especially like canon to start off Nicole's short solo.
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