Filming & Editing
Filming and Editing
Davey Poremba provided tips and knowledge on filming and editing skills through four sessions leading up to the project performance. These sessions were in kind from Newcastle College.
Story Board
Davey suggested that I should plan my film sets for order and organisation. This will prevent wasting time on going back to a set. This was very helpful and quickened my filming process.
Spoken Word
Davey kindly recorded Leah with his professional audio equipment for my spoken word within his studio. This made my spoken word on my dance film high quality and smooth.
Script - Spoken by company dancer, Leah Wells. This script aims to educate the audience on some facts they might know about OCD therefore the website (OCDUK, 2021) supports this script.
OCD affects around 1.2% of the population
Around 12 people in every one
Many people think OCD is the need
to align everything perfectly
Or the need to obsessively wash
your hands
But the types of OCD are endless
Symptoms of OCD manifest in many
different ways
Behaviours and thoughts vary from
person to person
It could be the overturning of taps
to relief the thought of causing a flood,
Or the ritual of switching a light
four times to prevent anything bad happening
However, OCD is not always visual.
It can be the prolonged thinking about a question or theme that is
Or the intrusion of unwanted
thoughts such as magical thinking. For example, stepping on a crack can cause
hard to loved ones.
OCD could be the fear of leaving
straighteners switched so taking a picture will ease the feeling of guilt and
OCD can cause the feeling of
internal as well as external uncleanliness triggered from inmate objects,
people, or situations.
People with OCD understand their
obsessive thoughts are not logical and try to disregard them, but OCD makes it
difficult to resist an act of compulsion.
Filming - experimenting with angles
Filming Equipment - To enhance the professionalism of my dance film
Editing - I used Film Forth to edit my dance film. It was very simple to use and navigate. Davey suggested tips on smoothing transitions between clips.
I watched many tutorials and online videos to improve my editing skills.
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